To bridge the gap between protein consumption and healthy digestion, Healthspan has combined their over 25 years of sports nutrition expertise with the performance demands of the All Blacks to bring a high-quality vegan plant protein, perfect for everyone, with natural flavours sweetened with stevia and free from artificial sweeteners. This plant-based blend features pea, rice, and pumpkin seed proteins that provide 23g of protein and 4.1g of BCAAs per serve for muscle synthesis and maintenance.

Two servings of this vegan protein provide 600mg of ACTAZIN®, the scientifically proven dose to improve the frequency and consistency of bowel movements, while reducing gastric upset symptoms such as constipation, gas, and bloating. The addition of ACTAZIN® in this blend allows for the easy digestion of the pea protein in seconds and assists in protein digestion, reducing the occurrence of digestive unease.

This Healthspan Elite and All Blacks collaboration thrives on a principle of ‘Clean, lean, green’ to cater to a wide range of consumers who can be confident that their products are formulated with them and the planet in mind. ‘Clean’ refers to the natural flavourings and short ingredient list, which ensures that only the essential ingredients are included. ‘Lean’ references how the low sugar and Informed-Sport accredited scientific formulation assists in reaching fitness goals. ‘Green’ alludes to the planet-friendly plant-based vegan protein in recyclable packaging.

The All Blacks Plant Protein Vegan Blend provides great-tasting, clean protein that supports fitness goals while supporting digestive comfort, whether blended into drinks, desserts, or shakes.

Protein (Powder) Indigestion and ACTAZIN®

Protein is an essential building block for life, as a source of energy, but also in the growth, coordination, and repair of tissues. Protein can be sourced from food or through plant-based or dairy protein powders.

Protein powder is most commonly consumed by athletes and active individuals who wish to increase their muscle mass or maintain a balanced diet. It can also be beneficial for elderly individuals who wish to regain muscle mass due to sarcopenia or muscle loss. Protein supplementation is often avoided due to common side effects, including bloating, gas, and gastrointestinal upset. This is because high-protein diets and intake are linked to interrupted digestion, as proteins take time to digest. This can be reduced through the intake of ACTAZIN® to prevent unwanted symptoms of gut upset.


ACTAZIN® is a natural green Hayward kiwifruit product that is grown and processed in New Zealand. It has been scientifically proven to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms due to its powerful bioactive effects. Free from preservatives, added sugars, and gluten, it is ideal for the whole family. There are two key components of ACTAZIN® that allow it to aid in digestive health and protein digestion: dietary fibre and actinidin.

ACTAZIN® includes kiwifruit pectin, a soluble dietary fibre, that is FODMAP-friendly as it is digested slowly in the gut, which reduces the production of uncomfortable gases in the digestion of protein. When the dietary intake of fibre increases, it boosts the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) through fibre fermentation by gut bacteria. SCFAs aid in the maintenance of the gut barrier and reduction of inflammation. Furthermore, in the presence of water, pectin gels and swells to slow digestion and maintain the sensation of fullness.

Secondly, actinidin is a cysteine protease (an enzyme that degrades protein) which can exist in the low pH environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can aid in the digestion of all dietary and supplemental proteins. Green Hayward kiwifruit has the highest amount of actinidin compared to other kiwifruit cultivars, making it the most ideal for digestive assistance. Actinidin breaks down proteins more efficiently than human digestive enzymes, thus assisting in the digestion of difficult proteins such as pea or soy. It does this by breaking proteins into smaller peptides for optimal digestion and uptake by the muscles. This increases the rate of stomach emptying, reduces gastrointestinal symptoms, and allows a faster uptake rate of amino acids for muscle synthesis. As a result of being a protein-degrading enzyme, actinidin has been shown to boost the digestion of proteins, including pea, dairy, and wheat gluten. Therefore, it is favourable to be added to both plant-based and whey protein supplements.

Actazin and Protein Digestion

Healthspan Elite Vegan Plant Blend with Actazin Inside

The indigestion of protein can cause abdominal upset, which is a common deterrent to consumption, but user testing has revealed that protein powder taken with ACTAZIN® has been shown to reduce feelings of bloating and gas by 37% in regular protein supplementers. Enhanced protein digestion can aid in relieving uncomfortable feelings of fullness. The actinidin and fibre in ACTAZIN® work synchronously in protein digestion by reducing the rate of digestion, inflammation, and increasing the rate of protein degradation and amino acid uptake. These reduce the frequency of symptoms such as gas, bloating, and abdominal pain, and may encourage consumers to continue to take protein in their wellness journey.

This is especially pertinent in protein-consumption groups with impaired digestive systems, such as the elderly, as protein powder with ACTAZIN® may allow for easier digestion due to reduced digestive ability. Furthermore, as ACTAZIN® maintains the sensation of satiety, reduces bloating, and increases amino acid uptake to the muscles, it is a good addition to protein powders for individuals wishing to increase their protein intake for weight loss or health reasons.

I like this vegan protein powder. It mixes well with water and doesn’t leave me gassy as some formulas can. I like that it doesn’t have added vitamins as some do, so that I can carry on with my normal supplements without adjustment. I followed the instructions of a level scoop (provided) in 300ml water and it was almost too thick to drink! Perhaps the scoop (it’s big) holds more than the recommended 37.5g, I didn’t weigh it. Following times I’ve increased the water or decreased the amount of powder and that has worked better. It’s a fair chocolate flavour, not really sweet at all, which I like. It is sweetened with stevia which I don’t usually like as it tends to leave an aftertaste, but I detected no aftertaste on this, so pleasantly pleased.

Amazon User, May, 2022

I was recommended this product and was pleased to find it on Amazon.After looking at other the products of the same product I decided this was the best. For quality of the ingredients and for the price. Taste good just add it to milk. Will buy again .

Amazon User, July, 2024