Feel the need to “detox” after the holidays?

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Overindulgence is common over the holidays. It is a time of multiple work functions and gatherings with family and friends that all too often lead to overeating sweet, fatty and rich foods, leaving us feeling stuffed!

The new year ultimately begins with perhaps a few extra kilos and a digestive system that is out of kilter. A post-holiday season detox can bring some balance back to your digestive system and help you kick off the new year feeling healthy and energised.

Your body is great at dealing with toxins, so rather than jumping into the latest fad detox diet or cleanse, here are some tips to help support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

1.Hydration is essential

We humans are about 60% water, so ensuring we drink enough fluid each day is essential to keep our body’s functioning at their best. Water helps to regulate body temperature, lubricate our joints and eyes, maintain blood pressure and flush out waste.

Pale, straw-coloured pee is a good indication that you are adequately hydrated. To get you started, try having a glass of water when you wake up, then take a bottle of water with you if you go out. Adding a squeeze of lemon juice or some ginger can provide a health boost and aid digestion.

2. Eat plenty of fibre from fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains

Dietary fibre helps to fill us up (so we’re less likely to eat more than we should) and it helps our digestive system to run smoothly, eliminating waste, and keeping us regular, reducing the risk of constipation. A healthy digestive system also helps to protect us from toxins and other nasties that we may encounter.

Eating a range of fruits and vegetables helps to ensure you get a good mix of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre.

  • Soluble fibre soaks up water to form a gel-like material which makes your stool soft and easy to pass.
  • Insoluble fibre adds bulk to stool which helps to increase transit time through the gut.

Some dietary fibre is also fermented by the good bacteria in the gut. This prebiotic action leads to an increase in the abundance of bacteria (biomass) and subsequently an increase in stool bulk, and also an increase in beneficial short chain fatty acids.

3. Get some sleep

Good, quality sleep, as we all know, is essential for our health and wellbeing. When we sleep, our body rests, but our brain remains active laying down memories and restoring mental function. Sleep also helps play a role in several important processes including supporting the immune system, repairing tissue and regulating appetite, weight and blood glucose levels.

It is recommended that adults get around 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

4. Move your body

Regular exercise and movement increases energy levels, improves circulation, can help you lose weight, improves sleep and can even improve brain function. Exercise also helps with digestion, by helping your gut move its contents through.

5. Soak up the sun and breath in the fresh air

While not directly helping the body detox, getting out in the sun and breathing in some fresh air helps the body and mind. It can improve your mood and reduce stress which means you may be more inclined to exercise and eat well.

6. Move your bowels, naturally

Regular natural elimination of your bowels helps to keep your digestive system healthy and removes waste. Eating plenty of fibre (as above) can help. You can also help your digestive system by adding a dietary supplement designed to aid gentle laxation, like New Zealand green kiwifruit powder, Actazin®. Actazin with its multiple key bioactives supports digestive health to help you on your detox journey through various mechanisms:

  • Clinical studies have shown that Actazin improves bowel regularity, providing relief from constipation, and supporting gut motility to keep things moving along, making you feel lighter and healthier.
  • Actinidin, a proteolytic enzyme naturally found in green kiwifruit, enhances the digestion of proteins in the stomach and increases the rate of stomach emptying. This helps reduce the feeling of fullness, bloating and discomfort after a protein-rich meal.
  • Actazin contains a good level of potassium which can also help to balance out the sodium levels in the body to relieve bloating from excess salt.