Actazin® – the only green kiwifruit powder with clinically proven efficacy at a low dose of 600 mg
Actazin® Kiwi Fruit

Anagenix has obtained a Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) notified health claim for Actazin®.
This means products containing at least 600 mg of the green kiwifruit powder may now be able to include the health claim that it: “supports normal bowel function by promoting bowel regularity”.
“As a mother of a 4 year old I can truly say seeing my son poop in so much ease and not seeing the stress on his face, no tears whatsoever were just a bonus for me.Like I said I have never witnessed my baby poop every day as a normal child does for a long time. He has a chronic issue and this tiny chewable are just magic.”
Support a healthy digestive system with Actazin® green kiwi fruit powder
Digestion is essential to life. The main function of our digestive system is to absorb water and nutrients from the food we consume. Our digestive tract also plays host to a community of microorganisms (our gut microbiota) which are vital to our health and wellbeing. A healthy and well-functioning digestive system, with regular elimination, and balanced microbiome, is an important part of achieving a long healthspan.

Better digestive comfort and less bloating
Bloating and abdominal discomfort is a common, uncomfortable experience for many people around the world. It often arises from excess fermentation in the intestines, but also from high protein intake.
Actazin’s gentle action, along with complex dietary fibre and protein digesting enzyme, actinidin, reduces bloating and gastric discomfort.
improved bowel
Actazin is a natural source of fibre, enzymes, polyphenols, organic acids, vitamins and minerals, which support normal bowel function. It is a gentle alternative to harsh laxatives.
Actazin’s kiwifruit fibre has unique hydration properties. It has the capacity to swell to more than 3 times its original volume and has high water retention capacity. Both of these properties result in the ability to add significant bulk to stool in the colon, making them much easier to pass!
enhanced protein
The kiwifruit-unique enzyme, actinidin, conserved in Actazin, assists protein digestion. This helps to avoid that uncomfortable “overfull” feeling, but also increases the rate at which amino acids from dietary proteins are available for use by the body.
The body uses amino acids to create proteins for building, repairing, oxygenating, digesting and regulating. This is of great importance to us all, but especially for elderly, athletes and active individuals.